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After booking for your day-old chicks, the next thing to do is get ready for the arrival of chickens. All the equipment and poultry house
must thoroughly be and disinfect, the disinfectant such as Izal, A-Z germicide, Morigald, Dettol, and Ox-Virin are readily available. The brooding floor or the cage must be allowed to dry, the floor of the cage should be cover with cardboard or old newspaper and if it is deep litter the floor of the house must be cover with sterilized wood shavings and old newspaper on top of the wood shaving. The newspaper or cardboard must be removed the moment the chicken attained the age of 3 weeks.
Upon the arrival of day-old chicks, all the chicks must be given glucose D (1g/ litre of water). A farmer must make sure the chicks sip the glucose fortified water by ensuring that the beak of each chick touches the water, this will make the chicks to regain all energy lost during transportation. The weak ones must be separated from the active one and all the chicks must be kept at a brooding temperature of 35o C for the first week.
Heating of poultry house is necessary at different ranges of temperature from 35o C to 20o C depending on the space, length of the brooding period, season and the type of brooding house. The brooding house or the cage must be well covered with sacks to prevent loss of heat during the brooding period.
Brooding temperature can be provided through the use of electric bulb which happens to be the best and can be obtained through the generator in
case of power failure. The use of lantern and charcoal is allowed provided adequate attention will be given to the bird and remember that lantern explosion and smoky charcoal could lead to loss of the chicken.
From day old to five days of age it is always better to give the chicks broad-spectrum antibiotics and vitamin so as to prevent the chicks from infection as a result of hatchery carry over and also the manifestation of diseases such as unhealed navel, Omphalitis, etc.
Antibiotics and vitamins such as Keprocerly, Cory SP, Neocerly, Neotreat and Gently, D are good examples. Chicks required adequate attention and proper monitoring for the first 15 days of their life. All chicks showing sign of sicknesses such as coughing, sneezing, drooping of feathers, going off feed and cuddling must be separated with immediate effect to prevent spreading of disease or disease outbreak.

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