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This songs is dedicated to the Almighty Lord have done wonderfully well for me
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Addition of Feed Additives   Additives are substances that are added to feed of animals to improve feed efficiency of animal. A times they are added to perform anti-biotic functions and also act as growth inhibitors for rapid growth which in torn increase production of animal product. Provision of Water   Water is a medium that dissolves all other nutrients. Also, more than 50% of the animals’ body is water which should be supplied ad-hibitum. Water maintain body temp. Good Hygiene Clear brushes around the farm housing. Sanitize the place using antiseptic to changing of the litter materials as at when due charging clothes when going into the farm. Proper Stocking Density Appropriate number of animals in the appropriate space. Density influence animal health, production of milk. In cattle, for example, you keep 1 or 2 animals per 1m 2 , in broiler production an area of a metre square 12 – 16 animals in optimum, 10 – 15 is optimum for rabbit


MANAGEMENT PRACTICES AND ACTIVITIES Feeding This is all about the provision of nutrient to the animals. It is the adequate provision of feed of requisite nutrient for the animals because they need feeds for growth and maintenance. In addition, Add caption proper nutrition provides energy for work and important functions in the animal body. Example of this functions is production of various animal’s product, production, and development of various body system. Deficient nutrition negatively affects animal growth and health leading to increase in the cost of production and reduce the return on investment and sometimes loss of the specimen. Basically, require nutrient of animals are getting from concentrate and roughages. Ø Concentrate are feed or feed materials that are low in fiber and high in energy e.g. grans, while Roughages are feed materials that are high in fiber but low in energy e.g. grasse For more details click:


LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION SYSTEM Livestock Production System can be grouped into Modern and Traditional System. Production can also be classified into: Modem Subsistence Commercial Extensive System This system is characterized by zero or very low input which are housing, medication etc. Also, animals kept under this system are always few. The example is the foraging animals common in the rural areas and pastoral production of cattle in the arid region. Semi-Intensive System Under this production system, the farmer provides some input for the upkeep of the animals. Housing and part of the feed needed by the animals are the common input provided by the farmers. The animals are left to forage for the remaining nutrient they require. The flock size under this system is between 5 -10. Some medication and health service may also be provided. An example is the backyard village poultry including goat and sheep and the agro-pastoral cattle production system. Intensive Syste


  PREPARATION FOR BROODING CHICKS The preparation for brooding chicks should start from about two weeks before the chicks are received. This is to avoid a last minute rush. The appliance should be moved out and thoroughly washed with a recommended disinfectant solution, like quaternary ammonia, and then allowed to dry. The litter should be completely swept out since any remnant could reduce the strength of the disinfectant subsequently used to wash the floor. Washing require a hot solution to detergent, under pressure, using a jet stream from a high pressure washing unit. The floor is then rinsed with disinfection. All crevices should be thoroughly penetrated and caked-up litter dislodged. The house then be sealed up and fumigated. (The open sided buildings used in the tropics do not easily land themselves to this treatment). The cobwebs and dust on the wooding frames should be properly cleaned before the litter is swept out of the floor of the house. In the case of tie


MANAGEMENT OF CHICKEN FROM DAY OLD TO THE POINT OF SALES After booking for your day-old chicks, the next thing to do is get ready for the arrival of chickens. All the equipment and poultry house must thoroughly be and disinfect, the disinfectant such as Izal, A-Z germicide, Morigald, Dettol, and Ox-Virin are readily available. The brooding floor or the cage must be allowed to dry, the floor of the cage should be cover with cardboard or old newspaper and if it is deep litter the floor of the house must be cover with sterilized wood shavings and old newspaper on top of the wood shaving. The newspaper or cardboard must be removed the moment the chicken attained the age of 3 weeks. Upon the arrival of day-old chicks, all the chicks must be given glucose D (1g/ litre of water). A farmer must make sure the chicks sip the glucose fortified water by ensuring that the beak of each chick touches the water, this will make the chicks to regain all energy lost during transportation. The w


POUSSINS These consist of male or female chicks but usually they are male by products or hatcheries. Raising these males is the alternative to killing them after sexing day old chicks; that is if the makes are of fast growing strain, they are raised separately from females and given broiler diets while the females are given pullet-rearing diets. Occasionally, both males and female may raise as poussins. A popular system for rearing these birds is the tier or battery brooder. These brooders must be designed to have enough head-room or else the chicks should be transferred to the floor for the remaining two weeks of brooding. They are fed on starter diet throughout the period. CAPONS The capon is a fowl which has been surgically or chemically treated A CAPON so as to remove the action of male hormones or increase the action of female hormones. The testes of the males may be surgically removed while both males and females may be given hormone preparations, usually oe